My entrepreneurial endeavors have helped me develop high impact skillsets for going from idea to execution. I have been able to focus on critical aspects of modern business like market research, strategy, and SOTA technologies e.g. AWS and ChatGPT-4o.
Aug 2018 – Dec 2020
Invested $4,200 of my own money and outside money focusing on trades and investments in consumer tech, bleeding edge tech, tourism, and cannabis equities taking short term and long term positions. Experimented in option trading, buying into: SNAP, TSLA, Cron, and CCL (mid 2018-2021). I averaged 81% return over 2 1/2 year before liquidating holdings to launch my next venture Quest Technologies where I built my own social app.
My roles included:
Aug 2020 – Feb 2022
Managed the development of Quest, a social media app that recommends activities to do based on your location. The app was built with UIKit, and Swift and utilized data from the Google Places api for making recommendations.
My roles included:
March 2023 – Present
A social media site that recommends things to do in the Twin Cities. Site features include: user profiles, friends, messaging, events, groups, social feed, custom Twin Cities recommendations feature built on GPT-4, premium memberships, posting (photos, videos, polls, text, links, and more), and article content. Also, provided marketing services for restaurants and epoxy flooring companies. My roles included:
Contractors & Partners: