Here is a complete offering of financial securities available for purchase:
$7,500 in debt at a 9% interest rate. Debt secured by title for my 1987 Chevy Caprice in Great condition (I have received 3 offers for the car at $12,000 | Conservative Parts Value is $8,500 | Trade in value at Collectors Dealership $5,000)
$3,000 in Quest Equity at a $300,000 valuation (1% ownership). No board seat.
Additional $15,000 in Quest Equity at a $600,000 valuation (2.5% ownership). No board seat.
Additional $250,000 in Quest Equity at $1.5 million valuation (16.6% ownership). Minimum investment size $50,000. One board seat available to the largest investor.
Quest KPIs
Quest Inc. Revenue for Fiscal Year 2024: $10,684
Total Followers (All platforms): 2,034
Total Social Media Viewership: 148,756
Total 2024 Site Traffic: 22,100
Total 2024 Active Users: 11,00
Total Event/Meetup Attendance: 346 attendees
If you’re interested in buying one of these offerings or would like to request additional data (e.g. Business Plan, Personal Budget, etc.) then give me a call or text at 651-200-0164.