With our Foodie Meetup service we’ll generate you revenue, social media exposure, and reviews that will help boost your business and our meetups can be paid as a performance basis or a flat fee.
We’ll help get top influencers to make videos for your restaurant and you’ll only pay full price for the videos that hit predetermined goals. This is one of the most effective ways to get new customers and strengthen your brand.
We’ll create and test different ad sets to see which perform the best and manage your ad spend.
Agree to offer discounts to at your establishment and we’ll promote them for you to our members and share a portion of the subscription revenue based on your performance and quest premium guest frequency.
Want a comprehensive marketing service that’ll help your business get new traffic and revenue consistently? With our complete marketing bundle you’ll get the full benefit of our expertise:
It’s like having an affordable Chief Marketing Officer to help with everything from market analysis to marketing strategy to execution.
If you’re interested in the service text 651-200-0164 with your name, what service you’re interested in, and we’ll set up a time to reach out and get all the necessary details before beginning work.
We’ll create a website for you hosted on AWS with add on available. If you’re a restaurant we can add commission free pickup ordering and other features to help grow revenue and improve margins.
If you’re interested in the service text 651-200-0164 with your name, what service you’re interested in, and we’ll set up a time to reach out and get all the necessary details before beginning work.