Ride Rates

 Free TierPremiumPlatinum
Under 3 miles$7 a ride$6 a ride$5 a ride
Between 3-10 miles$15 a ride$12 a ride$10 a ride
Free rides per month013

How To Get a Ride

1.  Text your pick up and drop off location to 651-200-0164 + say your membership tier (Free Tier, Premium, or Platinum)
example: “Sals to KK; Premium.”
2. You’ll get a price ($0-15) and wait time (2-6 mins for most rides). To complete your request pay via Apple Cash, Venmo (quest_mn), or ride credits.
3. Once your driver arrives you’ll receive a text

The max capacity is 4 people and our max wait time is 5 minutes, so try to be ready when the ride arrives. No refunds.

How To Get Food Delivered

1.  Order pickup and pay for food from any restaurant in Minneapolis 
2. Text the Delivery pickup spot and the drop off address to 651-200-0164 + also the name for pick up and your membership tier (Free Tier, Premium, or Platinum) and any special delivery instructions (Meet at door, leave food at door, etc)
example: “Frank and Andreas to Centennial Hall for Bill; Premium.”
3. You’ll get a price ($0-15) and expected delivery time (25-40 mins for most deliveries). To complete your delivery request pay via Apple Cash, Venmo (quest_mn), or ride credits.
4. Once your order arrives you’ll receive a text or call that your order has arrived


Rides available 10am-8pm Sun-Wed and 10am-2:30am Thu-Sat

Service Areas

Rides/deliveries under 3 miles are $5-7 

Rides/deliveries between 3-10 miles are $10-15

Rides/deliveries farther than 10 miles are available upon request, but price will vary